Some say health is...
The lack of disease
The normal balance of a well-functioning person inside and out.
Some say that it is all about function granting independence.
Other people may say it is a status – “I’m healthy”.
Having experienced a head injury, I would add that I Initially just wanted to walk and talk.

None of these are completely true.
I live with a condition (like many) that has changed me.
More importantly it has taught me a wonderful lesson: how from adversity we can adapt, change and grow.
Health is not a gym session or losing weight. Health is finding joy in any movement. In learning to inhabit an amazing body & gain new joyful experiences of discovery.
No heart drives this process, muscles do.
Movement also spurts synovial fluid into a joint calming and reducing inflammation.

Breath and cardiovascular health cannot be excluded.
When these systems are healthy, all cells are granted a plentiful supply of life-giving oxygen to create and explore.
Joint soreness felt in the back, hips and shoulders can be the first thing you experience in the morning.
When we wake up from a night sleep, our heart rate has dropped, our body temperature is also lower, our muscles have less fluid flow into and out of their cells, and as a result we often wake feeling stiffer than throughout the day.
This is the best example of the effects of inactivity.
Anyone with osteoarthritis benefits hugely from gentle morning activity such as walking, stretching and gentle mobilisations.
Heat from a shower or bath is essential.
So, whilst the days are short,
make time to go into the sunshine.
Try something new. Go slowly and progress gently. Give yourself time to adapt, no matter your age or injury.
Seize the opportunity to explore. If you need help going further, come in to see us at Makepeace & Massage based in South Oxfordshire.
New experiences create health in all ways – physically and mentally; try it today.
The warmest of wishes to you.
Stay kind to yourself.
